
Creative Non-Fiction is the art of communicating real life events and people using the literary techniques of stories. Instead of communicating factual events through a reportage, authors will learn the art of compelling narratiive.


Creative Non-Fiction is the art of communicating real life events and people using the literary techniques of stories. Instead of communicating factual events through a reportage, authors will learn the art of compelling narratiive.

Creative Non-Fiction is the art of communicating real life events and people using the literary techniques of stories. Instead of communicating factual events through a reportage, authors will learn the art of compelling narratiive.

Creative Non-Fiction is the art of communicating real life events and people using the literary techniques of stories. Instead of communicating factual events through a reportage, authors will learn the art of compelling narratiive.

Course Structure

Lesson 1: How to win an argument
Lesson 1: How to win an argument
Lesson 1: How to win an argument
Lesson 1: How to win an argument
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What people have said

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Chris Edwards
CEO of Legend Inc.


Rajiv Chandegra

Keith works with companies including Apple, IBM, Nike, and Starbucks to bring unique, human-centered approaches to business and social challenges. He is an author, essayist, and lecturer on leadership and design. He holds degrees in organizational behavior and economics from Stanford University.

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