About us

Tattva is an independent, non-profit organisation that nurtures an ecosystem for creative leadership and emergent ideas, and is inspired by the principle of Dharma.

Core Values

Our vision is to build a world that is inspired by the principles of interconnectedness, sustainability and flourishing.

In this vision, our unique purpose is to nurture an ecosystem of creative leaders and emergent ideas.

Our main three areas of work centre around:
- nurturing creative leadership through accelerator programmes.

- incubating ideas

- partnering with institutions to produce literature

Being Creative

We only ever have two choices. We either enter the arena by being the leader and enacting the change we seek, or we sit on the stands and passively watch things unfold.

Being a creative is not just about aesthetics or design. It's not about art or dance. Its all that and much more. It's about doing what may be difficult and facing the music everyday; about overcoming our inner contrarians; about having a sense of responsibility in what is required in the world. It is leadership and action without the expectation of personal accolades.

Search the essence

In an age of innovation and 'new age thinking', its easy to discard the old and traditional. We believe this thinking is flawed.

The literal meaning of 'Tattva' is to preserve the essence and innovate the new.

Seeing the Whole

There is a default tendency to see the 'parts' in any given system. We are accustomed to divide the world into bits. This reductionist approach to 'seeing' does little to solve intractable problems.

By contrast, the fundamental philosophy of Dharma is to see the the integral unity and interconnectedness of everything. It transcends It is to embrace diversity as a trait of the integrated whole. Eastern and indigenous civilisations of the world have an intuitive understanding of this concept and are expressed through their lived traditions.

Doing the Work

Without a bias towards action and living the change, we run the risk of being armchair philosophers or clicktivists.

Whatever we choose to believe as our north star, we have to live it.

This requires the discipline and patience to master a skill and become doers.

Our Methodology

Co-Founder & CTO

Through a range of learning programmes, toolkits and

Idea Incubation
Co-Founder & CTO

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Co-Founder & CTO

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